'THE' Shave Bar
The all time loved shaving bar! After constantly using my soap to shave… why not make a shaving soap. There is a soap for everything after all! These have the perfect lather, a few quick scrubs and no sooner will foam be coming off of the bar, and providing you with the highest quality shave! You will be so amazed! These are scented with an essential blend specifically for hair, so that your hair follicles are exposed to nothing but good good good!
Though from time to time I like to change a few essentials within the blend, you can be sure that the following few are always incorporated!
Lavender essential oil: Lavender essential oil is one of the most widely used oils as it offers so much both in aroma and topically, it is extremely versatile. It it said to treat anxieties, reduce stress and depression, treat fungal infections, and aide with cramps, nausea, insomnia, eczema/psoriasis.
Rosemary essential oil: Has antioxidant to anti-inflammatory properties. Studies have shown that it is amazing for hair growth, enhances memory , promotes nerve growth, improve circulation, prevent pre-mature greying, dandruff, helps with itchy/dry scalp. It is even said to “may be” effective with alopecia.
Tea Tree Essential oil: Tea tree oil has been go to in my first aide kit for a long time. It is considered a disinfectant with both anti-fungal, and anti-septic properties. This making tea tree essential oil popular to go to, too treat ingrown hairs, minor skin irritations. Tea Tree is perfect for all skin types, but especially for those with oily, acne prone skin.
Lemongrass essential oil: Is the all-around good for you essential oil. It is packed with so many essential vitamins and minerals, applying it topically to your skin-or using it as aromatherapy. Lemongrass can offer headache relief, relieve muscle pain, external kill bacteria, ward off insects, supports the immune system, fights flus & colds, stress & anxiety reliever. Lemongrass essential oil holds anti fungal, insecticidal, anti-septic and anti-inflammatory properties.
The all time loved shaving bar! After constantly using my soap to shave… why not make a shaving soap. There is a soap for everything after all! These have the perfect lather, a few quick scrubs and no sooner will foam be coming off of the bar, and providing you with the highest quality shave! You will be so amazed! These are scented with an essential blend specifically for hair, so that your hair follicles are exposed to nothing but good good good!
Though from time to time I like to change a few essentials within the blend, you can be sure that the following few are always incorporated!
Lavender essential oil: Lavender essential oil is one of the most widely used oils as it offers so much both in aroma and topically, it is extremely versatile. It it said to treat anxieties, reduce stress and depression, treat fungal infections, and aide with cramps, nausea, insomnia, eczema/psoriasis.
Rosemary essential oil: Has antioxidant to anti-inflammatory properties. Studies have shown that it is amazing for hair growth, enhances memory , promotes nerve growth, improve circulation, prevent pre-mature greying, dandruff, helps with itchy/dry scalp. It is even said to “may be” effective with alopecia.
Tea Tree Essential oil: Tea tree oil has been go to in my first aide kit for a long time. It is considered a disinfectant with both anti-fungal, and anti-septic properties. This making tea tree essential oil popular to go to, too treat ingrown hairs, minor skin irritations. Tea Tree is perfect for all skin types, but especially for those with oily, acne prone skin.
Lemongrass essential oil: Is the all-around good for you essential oil. It is packed with so many essential vitamins and minerals, applying it topically to your skin-or using it as aromatherapy. Lemongrass can offer headache relief, relieve muscle pain, external kill bacteria, ward off insects, supports the immune system, fights flus & colds, stress & anxiety reliever. Lemongrass essential oil holds anti fungal, insecticidal, anti-septic and anti-inflammatory properties.
The all time loved shaving bar! After constantly using my soap to shave… why not make a shaving soap. There is a soap for everything after all! These have the perfect lather, a few quick scrubs and no sooner will foam be coming off of the bar, and providing you with the highest quality shave! You will be so amazed! These are scented with an essential blend specifically for hair, so that your hair follicles are exposed to nothing but good good good!
Though from time to time I like to change a few essentials within the blend, you can be sure that the following few are always incorporated!
Lavender essential oil: Lavender essential oil is one of the most widely used oils as it offers so much both in aroma and topically, it is extremely versatile. It it said to treat anxieties, reduce stress and depression, treat fungal infections, and aide with cramps, nausea, insomnia, eczema/psoriasis.
Rosemary essential oil: Has antioxidant to anti-inflammatory properties. Studies have shown that it is amazing for hair growth, enhances memory , promotes nerve growth, improve circulation, prevent pre-mature greying, dandruff, helps with itchy/dry scalp. It is even said to “may be” effective with alopecia.
Tea Tree Essential oil: Tea tree oil has been go to in my first aide kit for a long time. It is considered a disinfectant with both anti-fungal, and anti-septic properties. This making tea tree essential oil popular to go to, too treat ingrown hairs, minor skin irritations. Tea Tree is perfect for all skin types, but especially for those with oily, acne prone skin.
Lemongrass essential oil: Is the all-around good for you essential oil. It is packed with so many essential vitamins and minerals, applying it topically to your skin-or using it as aromatherapy. Lemongrass can offer headache relief, relieve muscle pain, external kill bacteria, ward off insects, supports the immune system, fights flus & colds, stress & anxiety reliever. Lemongrass essential oil holds anti fungal, insecticidal, anti-septic and anti-inflammatory properties.