Honeybee soap

from $6.00

This is another all time favourite product! I have added my own produced farm fresh beeswax, and my own farm fresh honey! Mixed with a sweet, and floral smell makes for the ALL time favourite.Now, made with all grass fed, tallow!!

Beeswax: is used in more places then one would think. It is amazing in skin care products as it will form a protective barrier keeping moisture in and blocking out the bad vibes!

Farm fresh honey: Honey is just enzyme activity , plant matter, and live bacteria. However, the more I learn about farm fresh, raw, unpasteurized honey, the more I am amazed! Honey has so many amazing properties: Antimicrobial, anti aging, antioxidants, etc. Raw, unpasteurized honey as the most benefits when applying topically. It helps regulate the bacteria on or skin, it aides in skin rejuvenation (promoting lighten scars, healing small wounds), it reduces inflammation, a natural-gentle exfoliate that speeds up healing by promoting skin cell reproduction. There have been studies that have shown positive effects between the topical use of honey and skin cancers.

Tallow: Has been used for both cooking and skin products for a looong time. Tallow contains CLA (conjugated linoleic acid): which is a natural inflammatory, Vitamins A, D, E, K, and B1. These are fat soluble vitamins that are easily absorbed, and work with sebaceous glands to regulate oil production, treating dryness, supporting the skins natural barrier, and reducing inflammation. It is just rich with fatty acids that help form lipids that protect & moisturize our skin!

Such amazing benefits in these bars, and the fragrance is really the icing on the cake!I highly recommend these bars if your new to the natural, cold processed soap world!

***Please do not use this product if you have any allergies to bees, bee by-products, pollen, or celery.***

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This is another all time favourite product! I have added my own produced farm fresh beeswax, and my own farm fresh honey! Mixed with a sweet, and floral smell makes for the ALL time favourite.Now, made with all grass fed, tallow!!

Beeswax: is used in more places then one would think. It is amazing in skin care products as it will form a protective barrier keeping moisture in and blocking out the bad vibes!

Farm fresh honey: Honey is just enzyme activity , plant matter, and live bacteria. However, the more I learn about farm fresh, raw, unpasteurized honey, the more I am amazed! Honey has so many amazing properties: Antimicrobial, anti aging, antioxidants, etc. Raw, unpasteurized honey as the most benefits when applying topically. It helps regulate the bacteria on or skin, it aides in skin rejuvenation (promoting lighten scars, healing small wounds), it reduces inflammation, a natural-gentle exfoliate that speeds up healing by promoting skin cell reproduction. There have been studies that have shown positive effects between the topical use of honey and skin cancers.

Tallow: Has been used for both cooking and skin products for a looong time. Tallow contains CLA (conjugated linoleic acid): which is a natural inflammatory, Vitamins A, D, E, K, and B1. These are fat soluble vitamins that are easily absorbed, and work with sebaceous glands to regulate oil production, treating dryness, supporting the skins natural barrier, and reducing inflammation. It is just rich with fatty acids that help form lipids that protect & moisturize our skin!

Such amazing benefits in these bars, and the fragrance is really the icing on the cake!I highly recommend these bars if your new to the natural, cold processed soap world!

***Please do not use this product if you have any allergies to bees, bee by-products, pollen, or celery.***

This is another all time favourite product! I have added my own produced farm fresh beeswax, and my own farm fresh honey! Mixed with a sweet, and floral smell makes for the ALL time favourite.Now, made with all grass fed, tallow!!

Beeswax: is used in more places then one would think. It is amazing in skin care products as it will form a protective barrier keeping moisture in and blocking out the bad vibes!

Farm fresh honey: Honey is just enzyme activity , plant matter, and live bacteria. However, the more I learn about farm fresh, raw, unpasteurized honey, the more I am amazed! Honey has so many amazing properties: Antimicrobial, anti aging, antioxidants, etc. Raw, unpasteurized honey as the most benefits when applying topically. It helps regulate the bacteria on or skin, it aides in skin rejuvenation (promoting lighten scars, healing small wounds), it reduces inflammation, a natural-gentle exfoliate that speeds up healing by promoting skin cell reproduction. There have been studies that have shown positive effects between the topical use of honey and skin cancers.

Tallow: Has been used for both cooking and skin products for a looong time. Tallow contains CLA (conjugated linoleic acid): which is a natural inflammatory, Vitamins A, D, E, K, and B1. These are fat soluble vitamins that are easily absorbed, and work with sebaceous glands to regulate oil production, treating dryness, supporting the skins natural barrier, and reducing inflammation. It is just rich with fatty acids that help form lipids that protect & moisturize our skin!

Such amazing benefits in these bars, and the fragrance is really the icing on the cake!I highly recommend these bars if your new to the natural, cold processed soap world!

***Please do not use this product if you have any allergies to bees, bee by-products, pollen, or celery.***